A condition assessment is the evaluation of the current physical state of an asset or part thereof. The goal of it is to gauge the health of an asset and inform further analyses. Condition assessments can present both discrete, or continuous inputs and include:
To form a full condition assessment the raw data must be evaluated and translated into a condition or health determination. A condition assessment evaluation can take many forms, including:
Condition assessments only represent a single input considered by asset analytics. Condition assessments should not be considered in isolation to directly predict metrics such as the probability of failure of an asset. Condition assessments combined with an understanding of the assets broader context can inform subsequent analyses used to predict metrics such as remaining life.
Condition assessment de-risks the variability of initial predictions made at the time of installation. Periodically reassessing the condition of an asset can facilitate making better-informed decisions. This especially important if the effect of the environmental conditions or an assets operational context is not well understood. Condition assessments reduce the variance of predictions more so if the inputs are tangible and can be measured. Having the latest condition assessment information on hand is valuable if it can be used to make value-adding decisions. Assessments without an end goal do not add value.
Ultimately condition assessments are not free and are subject to a cost-benefit analysis. The costs vary based on the technique and technology. Condition assessments can be as simple as visual inspection performed by an operator or as complex as autonomous vibrational analysis. The time and effort to acquire the data and the resources needed to assess it must also be considered. The cost, accuracy and potential benefits that arise from the accurate assessment of an asset's condition all play into the viability of a condition assessment regime. Condition assessments may be used in conjunction with other techniques, strategies or methodologies to form the optimal approach for the specific asset.