Sewage Pump Station (SPS) off-the-shelf analysis

Off the shelf sewage pump strategy maintenance and capital plan optimisation using an open source industry model.
Sewage Pump Station (SPS) off-the-shelf analysis


North East Water used Modla’s existing asset library model for SPSs to produce optimised strategies and accompanying job plans for their 165 assets. Integration outputs were developed to allow them to upload the maintenance strategies and job plans directly into their asset management solution (Technology One) without any additional alterations.

Project objectives

• Produce an optimised maintenance strategy foreach of their 165 SPSs conscious of the associated risk of each.

• Produce an annualized budget for maintainingSPSs from the bottom up.

• Build custom outputs to allow the strategies tobe uploaded to their asset management solution.

• Produce tailored job plans for each of the 165assets based on the applicable strategy.     


• The Modla library asset model for SPSs was vetted andimproved by North Easter water SMEs.

• Optimised maintenance strategies and accompanying job planswere produced for 165 SPSs.

• Two custom output loaders were developed for North EastWater’s asset management solution.

• The Modla analytics platform user experience was improvedbased on user feedback.

“The Modla software has provided North East Water with a very cost effective solution for optimizing its Sewer Pump Station maintenance program. The data driven and reliability centered approach will assist North East Water to obtain the best value from its Sewer Pump Stations and in doing so deliver both effective and efficient services to its customers. ” - Richard Grohmann, Reliability Officer @ North East Water


North EastWater primarily self-serviced themselves using Modla’s online analyticsplatform. Support provided by Modla included:

1.    Implementing requested improvements to the underlying SPSmodel.

2.    Advising what data should be collected to utilise theanalytics platform.

3.    Providing user support.

4.    Developing custom outputs.

Modla engineers assisted throughout the process to ensurethe stated objectives were achieved. However, the largely hands of approachmeant to the project costs could be kept low.

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